The symptoms of the common cold are well known. However, many infectious diseases, such as influenza, dengue fever, chikungunya fever, etc., present similar symptoms, so it is advisable to consult a doctor whenever these symptoms appear.
Contact with infected persons or aerosol virus particles. Fatigue, weakness and stress may heighten individual susceptibility.
Physical isolation is the only way to prevent infection. This is usually impracticable. Try to avoid infected persons and crowded public areas during changes of weather.
Risks & complications
This usually mild and common health problem can, if neglected or mismanaged, lead to more serious conditions such as bronchitis or pneumonia, especially in infants and the elderly.
Purification therapy is recommended. Therapeutic purgation is used as a special procedure to drain out vitiated bio-products and restore neuro-hormonal function. Various Ayurvedic formulations are recommended.
Eat lightly, concentrating on leafy vegetables and fruits. Avoid fried or fatty foods; it is also advisable to refrain from frozen and reheated foods. Dairy products and meat products are not recommended.
Daily routine & habits
Use lukewarm water for drinking and washing. Avoid exposure to cold water, ice, snow and cold weather.
Home remedy
Hot facial fomentations and steam inhalations will help ease the nasal congestion. A teaspoonful of juice of ginger root with honey three times a day relieves some of the other symptoms.
Siddhalepa products for the common cold:
Siddhalepa Balm
Dry or hard stools, passed less frequently than once a day. Constipation may be acute and sudden or of long duration.Other symptoms: abdominal discomfort or heaviness, nausea, loss of appetite, halitosis.
Constipation is not itself a disease, but may be a symptom of various other disorders.
Constipation may follow an attack of diarrhoea or appear a day after taking a purgative. It is common in old age and pregnancy. Other causes may include low water intake, low fibre intake, mental stress, frequent voluntary suppression of the urge to relieve oneself, habitual use of laxatives and the side-effects of certain drugs.
Prevention & Diet
Foods rich in fibre, such as leafy vegetables, fruits and cereals are very helpful. Refrain from artificial foods and tobacco. Physically activity and mental relaxation can help manage this disorder.
Risks & Complications
Acute and severe constipation may be a sign of a more serious illness. In cases of vomiting and severe abdominal pain, immediately consult a doctor.
Laxatives are the usual remedy for this condition. Therapeutic purgation can help drain out vitiated bio-products and cleanse the alimentary canal. A variety of Ayurvedic formulations are recommended.
Home Remedy
One teaspoonful of Chebulic myrobalan (Terminalia chebula) powder or ispaghula husk (Plantago ovata) at bedtime. These are natural laxatives.
Siddhalepa products for the treatment of constipation
Pain before or during menstruation, in varying locations such as the back, thighs and lower abdomen. Other symptoms include discomfort, headache, restlessness, heaviness in the lower abdomen or the whole body, piercing pain below the navel, insomnia and nausea. Some sufferers experience irregular menstrual flow, vomiting or constipation.
Uterine contractions that are part of the normal menstrual cycle. It is not known why some women suffer pain due to these contractions while others do not.
Living in a physically active and mentally relaxed manner can help relieve the condition. Certain yoga postures, such as dhanurasana, may help prevent it.
Risks & Complications
Sometimes, period pain may be caused by a more serious condition such as endometriosis or fibroids. Consult a doctor if the pain is severe, or accompanied by one or more of the following: irregular periods, bleeding in between periods, thick or unpleasant-smelling vaginal discharge or pain during sex.
A number of Ayurvedic remedies exist to help prevent or reduce period pain.
Avoid exposure to cold water. Mental disciplines that promote calm, together with rest and relaxation, can ease the condition. Use only products made from cotton for sanitary protection.
Home Remedy
Lukewarm hip baths and hot fomentations of the lower abdomen may relieve the symptoms. Three cloves of garlic (Allium sativum) should be cut into small pieces and drunk with hot water thrice a day.
Siddhalepa products for treatment of dysmenorrhoea
Acid eructation, burning sensation in the chest and throat, indigestion, stomach pain, loss of appetite or excessive hunger, constipation or diarrhoea and sometimes vomiting. Other, more serious symptoms may appear if the condition persists for long. Chronic gastric reflux has been identified as a cause of oesophageal cancer.
Poorly digested foods and pitta-irritating diets. Hyperacidity may be aggravated by mental stress and negative emotions. Very spicy or heat-producing food and drink, including convenience and fast foods, alcohol, etc., may induce or aggravate the condition. Fasting without proper medical advice and drinking alcohol on an empty stomach may also trigger the condition.
Diet: leafy vegetables and cereals are important preventives. Avoid artificial foods, alcohol and tobacco. Physical activity and mental relaxation also have a prophylactic effect.
Purification therapy is recommended. Therapeutic emesis and purgation help detoxify the system. There are many Ayurvedic formulations recommended as correctives.
Avoid irregular mealtimes and fasting. Mental relaxation may diminish the severity of the attacks. Early to bed and early to rise is best; avoid sleeping during the day. Drink lukewarm water after meals.
Home Remedy
One teaspoonful of powder of eclipta alba three times a day.
Siddhalepa products for treating hyperacidity:
Pain, itching, constipation, difficulty and pain in evacuation, swelling in the anal cavity, blood in the stool, discharge of blood or mucous from anus.
Straining during defecation is the primary cause. A sedentary lifestyle, obesity, frequent suppression of the urges to defecate or urinate and a diet low in fibre may contribute to the condition.
Risks & Complications
If the bleeding persists for more than three days or the blood is unusually dark in colour, consult a doctor.
Purification therapy is recommended. Several remedies exist in the Ayurvedic tradition. In acute or chronic cases of haemorrhoids, surgery may be necessary to treat the condition.
Leafy vegetables, fruits and cereals can help prevent or relieve the condition. It is best to refrain from processed foods, alcohol and tobacco. Avoid hot, spicy, heavy or fried foods. Alcohol and tobacco consumption should be restricted. Whey is highly beneficial. Raw papaya and banana are often found to be useful.
Home Remedy
One teaspoonful of a juice made of the leaves of the Malabar nut (Adhatoda vasica) should be taken three times a day with honey.
Siddhalepa products for treating haemorrhoids
Ayur Elixir Abhayarishta